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         金多福為食環署持牌殮葬商,我們一向熱心公益善終服務,致力透過公開透明的手法,令善終服務殯儀服務更公開及透明,經營手法,更獲科技大學學生會訪問, 更於2012年更榮獲社會服務聯會頒予「商界展關懷」標誌,以表揚我們於過去一年對關懷社區,關懷員工及關懷環境的承擔。



免費海上撒灰服務   免費海上撒灰服務 免費海上撒灰服務

       海上撒灰 我在子女的陪同下,把丈夫的骨灰徐徐撒放大海。 我的丈夫愛海,所以他選擇離開後回歸大海。 丈夫生前知道食物環境衞生署提供海上撒灰服務, 覺得十分適合自己,特別囑咐我們在他身故後 要把他的骨灰撒入大海。把丈夫的骨灰撒進海中, 就像讓他回家。

        Scattering cremated ashes at sea Accompanied by my children, I scattered my husband’s cremated ashes into the sea. My husband loved the sea. He chose to return to its embrace when he left. My husband learnt about the service provided by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and thought the service suited him. He asked us to scatter his cremated ashes at sea when he passed away. It’s like homecoming for him.

        食物環境衞生署提供免費 海上撒灰服務,讓至親的 骨灰回歸大海,無拘無束地 與大自然融合一起。 每當我們看見遼闊的大海時, 亦可追思先人。 有關免費渡輪服務通常於 指定星期六早上由北角東渡輪 碼頭出發,前往香港水域內的 指定地點。 申請人亦可申請自行安排船隻 前往指定地點撒灰

         The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department currently provides free service for scattering cremated ashes at sea so that our loved ones may return to the sea and be reunited with nature. We may pay tribute to our beloved whenever we have sight of the boundless sea. The free ferry service departs from North Point (East) Ferry Pier on specified Saturday mornings to the designated areas in Hong Kong waters. Applicants may also apply for private boat trips to the designated areas for scattering cremated ashes

        每位申請人可攜同七名家人 或親友出席儀式,如有需要, 申請時可向食物環境衞生署 提出增加參加儀式的人數。 渡輪上有專業禮儀師協助家屬 親友進行悼念儀式,亦備有 設施方便進行不同宗教儀式。 儀式後,家屬親友可以撒放 鮮花瓣,讓花香陪伴先人骨灰 回歸自然。

        Each applicant can bring up to seven family members or friends on board. Applicants can also apply for more members to attend. A funeral director will be on board to assist family members and friends during memorial ceremonies. There will also be facilities to accommodate different religious rituals. After the memorial ceremonies, family members and friends can pass the cremated ashes of their loved ones, together with fresh petals, into nature’s embrace.

若大家認為以上程序繁複,歡迎大家邀請我們--食環署持牌殮葬商(金多福)代辦一切善終殯儀事宜 電話:28021118

資料來源: http://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/cc/images/ims_booklet.pdf

Author: admin